Why is spelt a superfood?
Because it contains natural vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. It can be used to extract juice from, but it is a perfect accompaniment to salads and smoothies. However, the best way to consume it is to drink its fresh juice.
Spelt is a source of vitamins C, B and K. Each vitamin acts in its own way. Due to its enzyme content, dr. Ann Wigmore called the juice a real “enzyme mine”.
It also contains minerals and trace elements such as MAGNESIUM, ZINC, IRON, MANGANESE, SELENIUM and many other minerals.
One of the main ingredients in spelt is chlorophyll, which not only gives the juice its green color, but also supplies our bodies with large amounts of oxygen and creates an alkaline medium, which is why it is also called liquid oxygen. Chlorophyll is not a vitamin, but it is a very important part of a healthy diet.